Privacy Policy

ANSKNOW PRIVACY POLICY is a tech-based site, where you can get knowledge about the latest technology, blogging, Seo, Digital Marketing, and many more tips and trick in a simple way. By reading our blog, you will get to learn a lot of information and you can increase your knowledge to do something new with your work.

in our blog, one of our main 1st priorities is that the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that are collected and recorded by owner and how we collect, use, communicate, and disclose and make use of personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for our valuable visitors to our website with regards to the information that they like to shared and collect on This privacy policy is not applicable to any other information collected offline other than this website.

By using our ansknow blog, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its term conditions


. Your name and job title
. Contact information including Email address.
. Other information you’ll prefer to provide us

WE USE THE INFORMATION OR DATA WE COLLECT uses the collected information for various purposes:

. To provide data and information so that we can improve our grow our website
. To inform you about any changes to our website or blog
. To Understand and properly analyze how you use our website & service
. To develop new products, website services, features, and more functionality
. To provide you with new interesting content and other information relating to the website
. Easily Find and prevent fraud


We are committed to making sure that your information & data is secure. so as to stop unauthorized access or disclosure, we’ve put in safe, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the data we collect online from you.

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small web file that asks permission from you to be placed on your computer. Once you give permission, the cookies file is added and therefore the cookie helps analyze website traffic or lets you easily know when you visit a specific website. Our Cookies allow web applications to reply to you as an individual.

We may use traffic log cookies to spot which pages are being used more. This helps us analyze web data about web traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to audience needs. only uses this information for more statistical analysis purposes and then the information is far away from the bottom system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you or our other audience with a far better website, by enabling us to watch which pages you discover very useful and which you are doing not. Cookies do not give us access to your computer data or any information about you in any way other than that you decide to share with us. you’ll prefer to accept or decline cookies as you would like. You can choose to accept or decline cookies as you want. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you’ll easily change your browser setting to say no cookies if you favor. this might prevent you from taking full advantage of the online site.

Links to Other Websites

Our blog may contain some links to other websites of interest. From our blog or website, you’ll visit other websites by following hyperlinks to such external sites. We strive to provide only quality links to useful and ethical websites for our readers, we have no control over the information and nature of those sites. These links to other websites do not constitute a recommendation for all information and ideas found on these websites.

Please also be aware that when you leave our blog, other websites may have totally different privacy policies and terms & conditions that are beyond our control. Please also confirm the other websites’ privacy policies to proceed. before proceeding in any business or uploading any information.

CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY may change this policy from time to time by updating this privacy policy page.
when we update or make any changes to this privacy policy document, those changes will be prominently posted same as here.


If you have an additional query or require any more info about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to feel free to contact us:

Via email –